Creative Climate Cities, 2023
The Covid-19 pandemic has shown that air pollution and social inequalities in cities are intertwined challenges that require immediate action. In this context, the DivAirCity project addresses these issues and engages with city makers to trigger short and long term actions.
DivAirCity is funded by the European Commission under the H2020 programme and is highlighting human diversity as an empowering resource to define new urban models and approaches towards culturally driven green cities. The project combines people, places, business models and climate resilience strategies to impact on air quality and decarbonisation.
Creative Climate Cities, Tion Kudlek, 2022
Creative Climate Cities (CCC) is co-designing processes and ensuring the involvement of underrepresented groups of people in Potsdam, as agents of change in implementing and extending the local application of nature-based solutions. The applied nature-based solutions highlight the importance of quality green public open-door spaces, which provide a reduction in heat stress, as well as elevating the biotope values throughout the city district.
DivAirCity project involves 24 EU organizations and partners from 5 European cities to establish parallel implementation of NBS living labs: Aarhus (Danmark), Bucharest (Romania), Castellon (Spain), Orvieto (Italy) and Potsdam (Germany). In Potsdam, Creative Climate Cities works together with Stiftung SPI, Hasso Plattner Institut and Charité, as well as City Council Representatives, Housing Cooperatives of the city district of Schlaatz and many local social initiatives like Friedrich-Reinsch-Haus.
Creative Climate Cities, 2022
Creative Climate Cities, 2022