Smart City Wolfsburg, 2021
With the "Smart Cities Model Projects", the German Federal Ministry of the Interior, for Building and the Home Affairs (BMI) promotes the conception and testing of integrated smart city approaches and supports the empowerment of municipal stakeholders in the sense of sustainable, integrated and public welfare-oriented urban development. Digitization is to be used as tools for the strategic and practical design of our urban and rural living environments and to promote participation, transparency, and resilience.
Since 2019, the City of Wolfsburg has been accepted as one of the first model cities in the funding program and has already successfully completed the strategy phase and collected a large number of project ideas.
Creative Climate Cities (CCC) supported in the development of a criteria matrix for the qualification of smart city measures as well as in the design of working and decision-making structures for the implementation phase. As a result of the co-creative collaboration between CCC and the Smart City project management team, an implementation process and toolbox was designed that presents the required activities, milestones, and impact measures at city and project level.
More information on the Smart City Wolfsburg website